Dr Najib Isse Dirie



  • PHD in Urology/Andrology at Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)(2019)
  • MBBS degree in Urology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China(2016).
  • BSc (Biology/chemistry) degree at Benadir University, Mogadishu, Somalia(2007/2013)


Currently, Dr Najib Isse Dirie is the dean faculty of medicine and health sciences at SIMAD University. Dr Najib is Urology and Andrology specialist working at Dr Sumait hospitals affiliated with SIMAD University. Dr Najib is a urologist, having graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, China with a Ph.D degree in Urology. Dr Najib is an author, published 7 research papers as first author in an international journals and co-authored another 3 articles. His research interests are in clinical, surgical, and epidemiological researches in healthcare in general and specifically in urology. Check the link bellow to see Dr Najib’s research articles and citations: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=pMLcnf4AAAAJ

Research Topics
  • Interested in Clinical and Epidemiological in Healthcare specially in Urology
  • Urology surgery
  • Medical Ethics
  • Basic Surgical Skills

University Membership Committees

  • Academic Council

Your milestones, awards, and achievements

  1. Winner of 2016 Ph.D scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council.
  2. Winner of 2018 National Science Award for international students from Chinese Ministry of Higher Education.
  3. Received Honorary Ph.D graduate in 2019 by my university (HUST).
  4. Presented my research at Society International Urology (SIU) 2018 Seoul South Korea.
  5. One of my key research article was cited 20 times by top other journals and scholars.


Phone: +252614181760/+252619585555

Email: [email protected]